Thursday, August 20, 2009

Friday, August 7, 2009

Give me Some Status

This site now has the #1 google image of "quit kvetching" over larry david and has the #1 google result for "jewish dolphin" over Jay Fiedler.

If that isn't the definition of absolute achievement of fame and success, then you don't have a Jewish Mother.

Episode XI: Dying Language

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Episode III- Helix Nebula

Yes, there are Dolphins who Immigrated through Ellis Island.

Episode II- Bottlenose

Episode I- Shark Bandits

Meet Bernie and Shmulek.

Their fearlessness runs as deep as their piety.

Jewish Dolphins in Space (Cowboys) 5758

A Webcomic to be Read Religiously
Queries, Criticism, Compliments, and Fruit Baskets may be directed to the author, Samuel Raphael Franco:

SamuelRaphael at Gmail dot com